Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894

The writings of Oliver Wendell Holmes / Oliver Wendell Holmes - Boston : Houghton Lifflin, 1892-1899 - 13 v. : front, (v. 1, 4, 9, 11) ; 20 cm.

Riverside ed

Contents : v. 1 : The autocrat of the breakfast table, 1894 -v. 2 : The professorr at the breakfast table with the story of Iris, 1899 -v. 3 : The poet at the breakfast table, 1899 -v. 4 : Over the teacups, 1894 -v. 5 : Elsie Venner, a romance of destiny, 1895 -v. 6 : The guardian angel, 1894 -v. 7 : A moral antipathy, 1893. -v. 8 : Pages from an old volume of life a collection of essays, 1857-1881, 1849 -v. 9 : Medical essays, 1842-1882, 1893 -v. 10 : Our hundred days in Europe, 1895 -v. 11-13 : The poetical works of Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1892-1893

Ibn Khallikans--Biographical--Dictionaries