Hoffmann, John Baptist

Mundari Grammar and Exercises John Baptist Hoffmann - New Delhi Gyan Publishing House 2001 - 387

Mundari vowels and consonants, Gender, Grammatical Numbers, Formation of Numbers, Demonstratives and introgatives used as adjectives, Demonstrative- I-Definite, II-Indefinite, III-Interrogative, Pronouns- I)Simple personal, II) Emphatic Personal, III) Definite demonstrative, IV) Indefinite, V) Definite interrogative, VI) Indefinite interrogative, Propositions- Numbers, Adverbs, Conjuctions, Interjections, Emphatic, dubitative and corrective suffixes, Possessive pronouns, Adjectives, Degrees of comparison, Equivalents of conjugational forms, Voice, Moods, Tenses, Passive voice, Reflexive voice, Reciprocal voice, Origin and meaning of the tense suffixes, Imperative mood, Precative, concessive or optative mood, Formation of compound, Subordinate clauses, Examples showing the transfer of words from their original functions to that of transitive or intransitive predicates.


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